I've been seeing this shot around the web for the past few weeks. I figured before all the christmas light got put way it was time to give it a go.
New Shoes = New Shoot v1
With each new pair of shoes comes a new shoot. The subject is the New Nike Lebron X in the "Lava" color-way.
Recipe for Disaster?
Anyone with kids knows how tough it can be to get them to cooperate. My daughter is 1 and loves to investigate everything while my son is 6 and thinks he is "too cool", so getting them to pose for a decent family photo is tough. Added into the complexity was using a self timer and battling the light to get a a decent shot before the sun went down. We got one ok shot but we also captured a pretty funny moment as my daughter ran to grab the camera while the rest of us laughed. I think I've found my future photo assistant. (click to view full sized photos)
Happy Holidays
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